Text to Speech

How to Use AI TTS for Dyslexia

Graham Smith
July 27, 2023

In this blog post, we'll explore the recent strides in AI technology, particularly AI text-to-speech, that have significantly improved accessibility and introduced exciting new learning tools for students. Throughout the article, we will address the following key points:

1. What is Accessibility?

2. The Features & Benefits of AI Text-to-Speech.

3. How to get started on AI Text-to-Speech Applications

Let's dive into this enlightening discussion!

What is Accessibility?

Accessibility in schools refers to creating an inclusive learning environment that accommodates the diverse needs of all students, including those with dyslexia, visual impairments, ADHD and other learning differences. It involves implementing strategies, resources, and tools to ensure that students with dyslexia or other learning differences can fully participate and succeed in their educational journey.

Accessibility in schools for students with dyslexia encompasses various aspects. Firstly, it involves providing alternative formats for reading materials, such as audiobooks or digital texts, allowing students with dyslexia to access information in a way that suits their learning style. Additionally, it entails incorporating assistive technologies, such as text-to-speech software or speech recognition tools, which can assist students with dyslexia in writing and comprehension tasks. Moreover, accessibility measures include creating a supportive and understanding classroom environment, where educators are trained in recognizing and addressing the unique challenges faced by students with dyslexia. This may involve employing multisensory teaching methods, breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps, and providing additional time for assignments and assessments. By embracing accessibility practices in schools, students with dyslexia can fully engage in their education, build their confidence, and achieve academic success.

Features & Benefits of AI Text To Speech

AI Text-to-speech (TTS) technology offers numerous benefits for individuals with visual impairments, dyslexia, ADHD, and other learning differences, empowering them to overcome reading and writing challenges. Here are some key features and benefits of TTS for these individuals:


Closed Captions with Dyslexia Font

We're thrilled to offer a helpful feature designed to make learning more accessible for everyone, especially those with dyslexia. Our closed caption feature now comes with dyslexia font support, providing two essential benefits: enlarged text and dyslexia-friendly font.

  • Enlarged Text: By turning on closed captions, the text for the current sentence at hand will be displayed in a larger and more readable format. This ensures that learners can focus on one sentence at a time, reducing visual overwhelm and improving overall comprehension.
  • Dyslexia Font: Additionally, you have the option to switch to the dyslexia-friendly font. This font has been scientifically proven to be easier to read for individuals with dyslexia. By selecting this option, you'll transform the appearance of the text, making it more accessible and accommodating for learners with dyslexia.

The best part is that this feature works across various types of content, such as PDFs, textbooks, web pages, and any other written material available on our platform. It's a powerful tool that empowers students to engage with the content more effectively, enhancing their learning experience and ensuring inclusivity.

Camera Scanner for Physical Text

Our Camera Scanner is specially designed to make physical text more accessible and dyslexia-friendly. For individuals with dyslexia, reading traditional textbooks or written content can be challenging. With our Camera Scanner, you can now effortlessly convert any physical textbook, handout, or chalkboard into an easily understandable format. All you need to do is take a photo, and the Scanner will work its magic, transforming the text into an audio format. You can simply listen and read along at your own pace, making learning more enjoyable and comfortable. Our Camera Scanner opens up a world of possibilities, providing a dyslexia-friendly way to interact with physical text and empowering you to succeed in your learning journey. Embrace this powerful tool and experience a new level of accessibility today!

Custom Reading Speed

Our reading speed customization feature is designed to cater to the diverse needs of all our users, including those with dyslexia. We understand that reading at a fixed pace can be challenging, so we've implemented a solution that puts the student in control. Whether you prefer a slower pace for better comprehension or a faster one for a quick overview, we've got you covered. Our reading speeds range from a very slow 50 words per minute (WPM) to a rapid 900 WPM, ensuring that there's an ideal pace for every type of reader. So, whether you're a student with dyslexia or anyone looking for a more tailored reading experience, you can now read along at a pace that feels just right for you.


Enhanced Reading Comprehension:

Dyslexic individuals often struggle with decoding written text, which can hinder their reading comprehension. TTS technology allows them to listen to the text being read aloud, eliminating potential decoding difficulties. By engaging both the auditory and visual senses, TTS can improve reading comprehension and promote a deeper understanding of the content.

Multi-Modal Presentation:

Multi-modal presentation refers to the utilization of multiple sensory channels to convey information and content. In educational settings, it often involves presenting information in both visual and auditory formats simultaneously, creating a richer learning experience. AI text-to-speech plays a pivotal role in achieving multi-modal presentation by converting written text into spoken words. This technology not only provides auditory access to the content but also complements it with visual representation as the words are highlighted or displayed on the screen. This dual approach significantly enhances comprehension and retention for learners, as they can process information through both hearing and seeing.

For individuals with reading difficulties, multi-modal presentation can be a transformative tool. By integrating AI text-to-speech, those who struggle with reading or have learning disabilities like dyslexia can access content more effectively. The combination of auditory and visual cues allows them to reinforce understanding by simultaneously listening to the text while following along visually. This reduces the cognitive load and helps individuals with reading difficulties to focus better on the material. Furthermore, the multi-modal approach caters to different learning styles, making it easier for diverse learners to grasp information in a way that suits their preferences and needs. Overall, multi-modal presentation, facilitated by AI text-to-speech, fosters inclusivity and empowers learners of all abilities to engage with educational content more confidently and successfully.

Increased Focus and Attention:

TTS technology can help individuals with dyslexia maintain focus and attention while reading. By eliminating the effort and frustration associated with decoding written text, individuals can allocate more mental energy toward understanding and comprehending the material. This reduced cognitive load can lead to improved concentration and engagement with the content.

How To Use NaturalReader AI Text To Speech Applications

NaturalReader is your one-stop platform for powerful text-to-speech services! With three online applications all accessible under a single Natural Reader account, we provide seamless text-to-speech capabilities anywhere you go. Our user-friendly applications include the Online Reader, Mobile App, and Chrome Extension, all designed for instant and easy listening.

Mobile App and Online Reader - How to Get Started:

1. Get started by creating your Natural Reader account using your email address and password.

2. Once your account is set up, you can start listening right away! Just click "Add" to upload any text, document, webpage, or even images.

3. Customize your reading experience to your liking by enabling the dyslexia font, choosing your favourite AI voice, and selecting your preferred reading speed.

4. Take advantage of supplementary features such as our Annotation & Notes, Sleep Timer and Hotkeys for the best possible listening experience.

5. Unlock the full potential of NaturalReader with our paid features, including the OCR Camera Scanner for reading physical text, MP3 Audio download for on-the-go listening, and AI text filtering for a smoother reading experience.

NaturalReader Chrome Extension

With the NaturalReader Chrome Extension, reading online content becomes effortless and accessible. To get started with the NaturalReader AI Text To Speech Chrome Extension, follow these simple steps:

1. Download the extension from the Chrome Web Store.

2. Once downloaded, for easy access, select the "pin" button to load our reading bar with a single click.

3. Create your Natural Reader account using your email address and password.

4. Now, whenever you come across online content like emails, webpages, articles, or Kindle Books, just click on the NaturalReader "N" logo to load the reading bar and start listening.

5. Enjoy distraction-free reading with our "Immersive Reader" feature, which removes all distractions from the page.

6. Need to continue listening on the go? Simply save your current webpage to your mobile device for convenient access.

Tutorials and Help Centre:

If you need any help or assistance we have multiple ways to support our users.

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Email Support: sales@naturalreaders.com

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